Named after a popular skating area in London, Fenchurch was primarily created for skaters by a group of friends who used to skate together. Already active producers of their own clothes, the friends decided to take it a step further and produce a line of clothing for people like themselves, seeking a style they could identify with. Created in 2000, the brand has now evolved and produces clothing for BMX riders, skaters, and trendy youths, and is largely recognized on the urban fashion scene. Fenchurch provides designer clothing lines for men and women and produce funky fashion wear including hoodies, jackets, footwear, luggage, and accessories. The Fenchurch Friendly line produces organic and fair trade clothing. The six branches of the distinguished logo represent what the group felt was lacking on the existing market, and have tried to offer their customers through their brand; original design, superior cut and shape, attention-grabbing graphics, affordable pricing, exclusive distribution, and successful customer relations.